Friday, August 15, 2008

Pregnancy and the quantum space of love

From the moment of conception, there is a new energy created that begins its first pulse of life within you. Its cells, formed from the uniting of two individuals, are encoded and infused with the energetic and physical properties of both parents. This new life has an entirely new and unique set of infinite possibilities that emerge as new combinations form from itself and parents. In all forms of nature, this is represented by intricately detailed patterns continually repeating themselves.
The patterns produced are known as the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio and phi. As each cell divides into these known patterns, simultaneously and synergistically, individual characteristics are also being formed. (Each photon within each cell is encoded with the entire universe.) Every child created will always be unique due to the varying life experiences and beliefs occurring in the parents before and at the time of conception and life circumstances during utero. In addition, each spirit brings with it, its own pre-earth life experiences and encoding. Core beliefs thread family lines together creating patterns of familial characteristics. (What was once thought of as strictly dna and genetic factors are now recognized as being energetic characteristics that affect the chemistry and dna. We have the ability to rewrite physical dna by changing subconscious, spiritual and energetic patterns.
My thoughts are drawn to how we respond to a new life within us. Do our bodies and subconscious programming act as if the new baby is a foreign body, which kicks in an immune response and sabotaging beliefs or are we one with the new and growing life allowing for a harmonious sharing of space? There are so many physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. Do we automatically assume that morning sickness and the “discomforts” of pregnancy are due to these? If we can change the subconscious programming and learn to be fully integrated with the new life, our bodies will only respond in joy and harmony to the changes. Change is enlightening and fulfilling. The creation and emergence of a new life is sacred. Unbelievable opportunities for connection to Self, God and Truth are possible during this time.

We are constantly encoding information into the child from conception, this is known. But, what I notice is the amazing space that’s created from the energy the child brings. I believe this is an incredible access point to the quantum space of love. (The quantum space of love is the term I use to convey the beautiful space we enter when in total connection with God. In this space, all life is connected and there is no time.) Coming from this space, we can allow the baby to download and encode information from this universal place of infinite knowledge to our systems. The veil is very thin throughout pregnancy which enables you to be receptive to this unique time of insight.

In the space she’s coming from, she already knows and has experienced the quantum space of love. She is familiar with laws of the spirit and the knowing that everything is interconnected. Her gift to you in an equal exchange of energy and appreciation is to open this space and awaken you to the forgotten universes within. There is equal benefit in doing this. As mothers, as we are opened to this remembrance of perfect love and acceptance, our systems will surround the child with the energy and beliefs of interconnectedness from the start. How would it be to start life being completely congruent within all physical and energy systems and what your spirit already knows as truth? I believe there is such a contrast from their spirit at conception and the ‘nature’s head start program’ of parental downloads- that we’re constantly searching for the wholeness we know is there-somewhere. (We are programmed from the start with separation and beliefs that we must protect ourselves. We pass on beliefs and habits to our children and the little unconscious things like our perspective on morning sickness and unconsciously blaming them for discomforts along the way- even a knee of foot stuck under a rib or turning over. The weight gain, etc could be messages of blame and separateness. We could also include the way we interact with a spouse or family members and our views on pregnancy and delivery. These relationships along with subconscious programs in regards to pregnancy and the type of parents you’ll become and your own birth experiences make a difference that can be rewritten with an awakening to this field.)

Patience in the Moment
Why do we feel we must rush and induce the birthing process? Even stimulation and induction by natural means is a form of impatience and a desire to control the outcome based on fear. It is fear that causes pain. It is a lack of understanding of the sacred processes that are occurring that allows us to fall into this mindset. If we submit to the moment, and allow the body and spirit to use its innate wisdom, birthing will then flow from us in a perfect synergistic harmony. Any time we try to resist or change the natural flow, we inhibit and change our potential for insight and connection to our greater purpose. I have discovered that the intense rush of a contraction is actually pleasurable as an amazing flow of light and energy flow through my being. I have to be prepared, open and willing to receive this light because it is very empowering. If I find myself holding back, I recognize the sheer power and insights of the moment are more than I’m willing to accept due to my unwillingness to embrace my true divinity.
The ability to relax into the moment and allow the experience to teach and unfold into you can be used in all areas of life. Pain in all its forms is a resistance to what is occurring in your world; once again based in fear and lack of understanding.
Nature gives us a lovely example of this principle. The conception, development of the baby, labor and delivery process gives us a pattern to base all of our life decisions on.
I am completely one with my baby as we share the delivery experience. Our energies are aligned and in rhythm allowing for an enlightening, joyful birthing experience. I enter the sacred space of love and feel everything become one on a quantum level. Our energies merge and intuitively we breathe life and light into all levels of our being. A most powerful energy radiates through every cell and we expand into the farthest reaches of the universe. I am one with every woman who has ever birthed. I am exhilarated and empowered. Every rush is a serge of pure intelligence; a remembering of who I am.

Thoughts on Labor 7/28/08
I’ve been in a real ethereal mood all morning. My body has been in the quantum space and experiencing a lot of insights into the onset of labor.
To feel pain is a resistance to something- usually fear. All morning I’ve had this lower, piercing pain and when I awoke, my pubic bone and ligaments were so painful I began to cry. I wondered where the tears were coming from because I’ve often felt like this. But, it’s been different. I feel humbled and filled with a sacred knowing and a space of infinite love. When I recognized this I began to be curious with myself. I began to breathe in and out of every cell; every photon; not breathing from the outside- I am the breath. Light fills my body and I’m able to notice the denseness of my pain. I breathe into the pain; is it really pain? It is my interpretation of the sensations that calls it so. I smile, I laugh gently to myself; it is my cervix dilating! What joy! I can actually feel it opening and softening and it’s beautiful- amazing and I’m filled with excitement.

I remember to breathe my baby in and out of my space; she is now one with me in the process. We are energy- together. I’m not feeling any pain with the rushes and my thought was that I don’t need to. I believe we anticipate and look for that first real ‘biting pain’ as an indicator that labor has begun ‘for real.’ We are so used to communicating with our spirit through the messages of the physiology. We feel pain, and then look for the source. In the case of labor, we wait for the pain to indicate its onset. What if we were listening to the inner voice of our spirit as the indicator? It would no longer be necessary to have a pain signal. What an amazing insight, really!! So the pain in my bone and cervix was still an indicator of resistance. Resistance to what? Do I still fear the pain or is it deeper than that? Do I welcome the changes that will occur as a new family member enters our lives? Am I confident in my abilities as a mother; do I still have programs of fear in regards to finances? I am holding back-resisting what could be. I will let go. It’s all an illusion. In this moment, right now, all is perfect. I welcome and receive the higher wisdom of the moment. I am one with all consciousness. We are separate and distinct, my baby and I, yet somehow able to pulse with all of life. I welcome my new child on all levels and my body responds with pleasure; even anticipation. My perspective is completely changed. I no longer have a need to be in pain. I don’t need attention to fulfill some inner longing for acceptance and love; I’m not supporting beliefs of fear. It’s already there and overflowing. There is no payoff or benefit. My anticipation is to experience a sacred bonding with my divinity and to be open to inspiration on a level of the highest vibration; a perfect connection to my Father, Mother, Savior and Holy Spirit. There is no veil and in this space I have access to all! This is a beautiful gift to mothers; a culmination of empowered co-creation. I am somehow changed; matured; it feels like a rite of passage has begun. Now I long to fully experience the unfolding of birth. It will bring a long awaited remembering. My body and spirit feel numb and tingly with the rushes and excitement of what will be. I am experiencing infinite joy and love. Thank you!

When I listen, hear, then doubt; I change the potential outcome.

7-28-08 1:30
I have realized that towards the end of pregnancy when the Braxton Hicks are felt, and then again during the early stages of labor, the rushes start out lightly to prepare us. Small amounts of energy open up pathways and gently increase until we are prepared and open to the Spirit enough to fully receive. Keep in mind that the natural flow of birth occurs when it’s aloud to unfold without interruption from outside influences. It is very much influenced by each woman’s subconscious beliefs, energy flow and the state of her health. Each birth is therefore very unique and individual. I believe we are each blessed with the exact experience needed for our growth and for the spiritual level we’re on at the time.

How long should birthing it take? It think it depends on how willing am I to open up? How easy is it for energy to flow through my body? How clear are my thoughts and emotions? What are my subconscious beliefs in regards to birth? Am I holding on to fear issues? How physically fit am I? How physically nourished is my body?

(It’s a good idea to use the 5-minute energy routine from Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine to prepare and support us during pregnancy and especially during labor and delivery. In addition to the basic routine I’ve been including the belt flow, opening the gates and a few other appropriate energy exercises. If these are done during pregnancy and also at the onset of labor, it will help the body and spirit to open up and allow energy to flow properly. I am curious to know if you can bypass this by being in the quantum space. I think it would depend on how confident you are and how easy it is for you to maintain this space. I also think because labor and delivery are processes that are also very physical in nature it also needs the support and assistance of the energy systems making it appropriate.)

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