Saturday, July 26, 2008

Finding Myself

I started this blog in order to share some of the amazing experiences and insights I've had in my journey towards personal empowerment and my decision to have an Unassisted Childbirth. In trying to educate and prepare myself for this miraculous experience, I noticed there is a lot of information on the subject, but not much in the area of how our energy systems and subconscious programming affect our pregnancies and growing babies. It is my desire to share what I have learned in this area.
We must learn to be in alignment with ourselves and God and to find balance within all of our physical and spiritual systems in order to experience infinite love, abundance and vibrant health. It turns out, it's much easier than one might imagine! All the answers we seek are and have always been right inside of us. As each of us remembers how to experience this exquisite joy, it will then illuminate within our families, communities, world and universe!! It is time.
However, I must first become the changes I seek.......

I have spent the past several years on a journey of intense personal discovery. I found myself searching and longing for a deep inner connection with myself and God. The problem was that I seemed to be searching everywhere except the true source of resolution- inside myself. I realized that through many years of marriage, the busyness of motherhood and home school, as well as several other obligations, I no longer knew who I was. Could I really ever say that I did? I was unconsciously allowing life to just happen around me. I hated how I felt and my spirit, mind and body screamed out at me in protest.

It was during my 'dark night of the soul' that I found myself and began to merge with my higher truth; I began to live my authentic self. I have allowed myself to heal and find balance. It is a fantastic journey and it continues to unfold beautifully before me. I am learning to find joy in each moment and embrace with gratitude all that is present in my world.

All of us have the opportunity to live life fully conscious. It's a choice we make every day. My desire is to co-create beauty in my world and radiate this to my family, friends, community and planet. One by one, we make a difference.

In this blog I plan on sharing insights as they come in regards to my pregancy. I will also be sharing some of my prenatal and birthing experiences. I am so excited about having an unassisted childbirth. It's been one of the most empowering and inspiring decisions in my life. It feels very much like a rite of passage into womanhood. I hope in some way to encourage others to find the confidence in their own inner wisdom to birth their babies naturally and to create lives filled with exquisite joy!!